
Backyard selfie
Me in the backyard

Welcome to Timothy Pancoast! 

That’s me and this is my website.

So who am I?

I was born and raised in Dover Delaware, Capital of the First State, though I recently moved up to Newark to cut down on the commute to work in Wilmington.  I’ve had the chance to travel around the country and the world some but ultimately decided to keep Delaware as my home base.   The backyard in Dover is my happy place.  A lot of the pictures on this site are taken from there.  It is where I go to relax and get centered, and it is a big part of why I love Delaware.  I earned my education here and started my business here.  My degree is in Accounting and I had a small accounting and bookkeeping business for over 15 years working with other small businesses and non-profits.  I will still consult some but now I work full-time as an accountant for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington.

Right now this site consists of a little information about me and then there is my blog, the Timline.  The spelling is intentional as this is my Timline, not my timeline.  In it I discuss how I am creating my life line upon line.  In each post, or “line” I will write about what I learn, the tools that help me, and any other developments that come up along the way.  I hope my posts will provide you with ideas, inspiration, and motivation for your own journey and the communities you are involved with.  I’ll be posting at least weekly, with bonus lines when something noteworthy happens or an awesome idea comes to me.  I am also a budding author in my spare time so eventually you will find a page with updates on my writing progress and my books.  If I start any new projects I’ll be sure to make some space on this website for them as well.